Austin Baptist

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Church Needs

In Need Of:

Seeking handbells: A handbell choir is forming in Georgetown after finding a set of 3 octaves of Schulmerich bells in a closet. If you have the 4th & 5th octaves of Schulmerich bells and are interested in donating or selling them, please contact Janice Felps at or 512-415-1517.

Iglesia Bautista La Nueva Jerusalen is looking for an engineer to help the church put together a floor plan for future construction. The church land is located at 17518 Blakemanor Rd. Manor, Texas. Please help us to build God’s church. For more information, please contact Pastor Alvaro Herrera at 512.739.4266.

To Be Donated:

A church has 165 Baptist Hymnals. If you need Baptist Hymnals, you can email

From Cedar Valley Baptist Church 1905 FM 969, Elgin Texas.  We would like to donate our old sign to another church.  This sign is 8′ tall and 8′ wide and is double sided with plastic inserts on heavy duty 4″ square tubing. The actual signage area is 4′ x4′ and it is wired for lights too. The plastic inserts for your church can be made by most any commercial sign company.

Call Charlie @ 512-718-7732

Thank you.